Friday, 20 February 2009

When I'm cleaning windows!


I am now the proud owner of a little purple Ukulele! I now have to learn how to play the bloody thing, no matter I am sure I will get the hang of it.

Ukulele's are so not cool, which is probably why I think it is one of the best plans I have ever had.

Soon I will have mastered the diminutive instrument and will be able to wow all my friends with hits such as "Clementine", "Jamaica Farewell" and the killer "Rivers of Babylon", well these are the tunes that I have in my Beginners Ukulele Book and DVD.

Wish me luck cool friends, I promise to remember you when I am headlining the next local fete.

Peace Out


  1. Hey! The Ukulele's cool. Very cool. I play! my Mom plays too. You'll get the hang of it. I'm a music teacher, by the way. I can't wait to hear about your progress.

  2. I think the Uke is funny, such a tiny instrument makes such beautiful music. Have you listened to Jake Shi...umm, i've forgotton his name, he's the master, you can find him on YouTube. I'll try to find his name.
    good luck...purple?...

  3. I hear they are cool, i saw someone playing one on TV. Plus Britain has like the biggest Ukulele group...i forget what they're called though!


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