Wednesday, 11 February 2009


I am a member of Weight Watchers, I know, I know I look so slim. Well I put on a lot of weight while I was pregnant and I don't regret a thing, if you can't pile it on whilst pregnant when can you? Managed to eat plentylast week, chocolate, cake and cheese plus some real ale, but due to the miracle of breastfeeding I managed to maintain my weight, cool as.
Waiting in for my new TV cabinet, I am second on the list apparently so that could mean any moment now or 4pm, waiting is not cool.


  1. I have been on weight watchers a number of time in my life. It works! My problem is I have always quit before I loose all the weight I want to loose, never make it maintenance, and then gain it back. How long have you been on Weight Watchers?

  2. This is my third time with WW and each time I have quit before maintenance too and yes it does work. I have been on it 14 weeks now and have lost 19 lbs so far! I think the trick is to stick with it for the long term to get the best out of it.


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