Monday, 22 April 2013

Well then, what's going on?

I have been withdrawing from the antidepressants for the best part of a week and still having the shocking side effects!

Been doing plenty of exercise and eating right but yesterday evening I went to get bread.

First off walked 4.4 miles because my local shop won't except a sale under £5 with a debit card (one of my pet hates) and the cash machine charges £1.80 for each withdrawal (another pet hate).

As well as bread I picked up two boxes of obscene Belgian triple chocolate cookies, on offer as two for £2.50, didn't need them, so not a bargain really. While waiting in the queue I scanned the cigarettes looking to see which would be the 'lightest' to smoke and if they sold them in 10's.

Haven't smoked in almost 8 years! Why indulge the false idea that smoking may be a good idea?

I do this, think excess food will make me feel different or take the edge off or stop the boredom. I wish the things I went for, weren't so damaging? And a bargain isn't a bargain unless you really need it.

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