Friday 27 February 2009

Mr Benn

I went to see Tony Benn speak at the new local theatre last night.

Mr Benn is now 84 years old and still gives talks most days about his life in politics.

He is a remarkable speaker and I urge anyone, regardless of their politics that if you have the chance to go and see him do.

Most of the eventing was him answering questions, nothing phased him.

Tony Benn is most definitley cool

Thursday 26 February 2009

Flippin' 'eck!

I only have pancakes on 'Pancake Day', also known as Shrove Tuesday, don't know why because they are lovely.

I made Banana pancakes with stewed Rubarb, delicious.

Must try harder and eat pancakes on more than one occasion a year


Friday 20 February 2009

When I'm cleaning windows!


I am now the proud owner of a little purple Ukulele! I now have to learn how to play the bloody thing, no matter I am sure I will get the hang of it.

Ukulele's are so not cool, which is probably why I think it is one of the best plans I have ever had.

Soon I will have mastered the diminutive instrument and will be able to wow all my friends with hits such as "Clementine", "Jamaica Farewell" and the killer "Rivers of Babylon", well these are the tunes that I have in my Beginners Ukulele Book and DVD.

Wish me luck cool friends, I promise to remember you when I am headlining the next local fete.

Peace Out

Saturday 14 February 2009

Love Love Love

Happy Valentines Day xxx

Love is all you need.

Money is clearly not the route to happiness, it has now officially been proven.

Love is the coolest.

Long Live Love

Wednesday 11 February 2009


I am a member of Weight Watchers, I know, I know I look so slim. Well I put on a lot of weight while I was pregnant and I don't regret a thing, if you can't pile it on whilst pregnant when can you? Managed to eat plentylast week, chocolate, cake and cheese plus some real ale, but due to the miracle of breastfeeding I managed to maintain my weight, cool as.
Waiting in for my new TV cabinet, I am second on the list apparently so that could mean any moment now or 4pm, waiting is not cool.

Sunday 8 February 2009

I would like a day off

Whilst scraping off Weetabix, or as it was aptly renamed by a friend with four young children, Weld-a-bix!, from my Daughters face, highchair and myself I started to think. I looked round at the chaos of my living room and remembered a time when if I tidied up it stayed tidy for a week, now it is never tidy.
I thought about what my life was like before I had my Daughter and to be fair it was pretty shallow, don't get me wrong I am not suggesting that now I am a Mother my life is more fulfilling and meaningful than a single person, on the contrary my life is quite humdrum hence the name of this Blog.
I do not want to be the person who says "Once you have Children you will understand", however true that statement is no young Woman wants to hear that.
What I would say to young single Women is the three S's.
SLEEP. Please sleep, sleep as much as you can, have at least 8 hours a night and sleep in at every opportunity, it is not a waste of the day as your Mother told you (she was just jealous because she wasn't getting any, sleep that is, steady!).
SHOP. Yes it is shallow and very pleasurable. Buy lots of skinny jeans and really short skirts and strut your stuff, life is too short to cover up.
Be SINGLE. It is no secret that I enjoyed my single life. No point putting up with a pain in the behind boyfriend when you are young, dump him, delete his number and move on. It is also true that not having a boyfriend is great, most of my life has been single I should know.

I love my Partner and Daughter they mean the world to me and I now have my own family, it happened naturally and for a reason. It doesn't mean that while I am listening to my Daughter crying I don't want a day off sometime, just an hour or so..............

Thursday 5 February 2009

White Out, What White Out?

Boring! The past four days have been monopolised by news about frozen rain, aka Snow. I am now supposed to be snowed in living on cans of beans and burning my last lump of coal, waiting for a St Bernard with a swig of Rum round his neck. However I am looking out the window where some snow, not an avalanche has covered the ground slightly, careful now it may be slippy. Weather hysteria is not cool, enough snow to make a snowman is cool.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

How to Disable a Nation

You may not have noticed but Britain has had a bit of snow, I emphasis a bit because compared to other countries this is nothing. The country has ground to a halt, no public transport, flights cancelled, 26 million people didnt make it to work yesterday, schools closed and shops shut. Madness, cold weather is not cool.

Monday 2 February 2009

Double Booked

Just realised, well my phone has just reminded me that I am meeting Danielle at 1pm today, but I have invited people round to mine for 2pm, bugger, what a pickle!!!


It is snowing today and probably all week. Daughter hasnt seen snow like this before and thinks it is cool, she waved at it, very cute.
Daughter has decided she is not going to sleep anymore until 11pm, argh! it is slowly killing me, not very cool baby daughter! I need a day off, just one day off